
Road Traffic Woes: The Distracting Impact of Delays on Our Productivity

Road Traffic is an unavoidable part of life. On the road and most of the time it feels like we could do a lot to avoid the crowding we find ourselves stuck in. When we saw traffic we have cleared pictures of frustrated people who are getting late for their destination, honking cars and bikes, unbearable noises pollution and smoking vehicles are seen crawling on the roads.

Problems like road jams were earlier confined to metropolitan cities only. Small cities and towns were free from this. But now even small and big cities have started getting affected by it. The situation is such that the squares and intersections that were once the identities of these cities have today become infamous traffic jam centres.

For road traffic solution government provide flyover, underpass, broad-road lines but even duration of construction of this infrastructure people suffer a lot from the major traffic jams.

Cities with a population of more than 10 lakh suffer the most. Generally, this happens due to poor condition of roads and lack of disciplined operation.

Since India is a country with high population , therefore its metro cities also have much population , currently there are 10 cities which have more than 10 million population and some of those even have population exceeding 20 and 25 million like Mumbai and Delhi having population as 26 million and 28 million respectively which also results in high no. of vehicles India is a developing country with a very huge population which is an uneven ratio and also the literacy rate in India is low some of the people don’t think of the rules at all and completely neglect them.

Footpaths for business and roads for pedestrians :

India is not complete without the roadside shops and we feel very much proud about it. We get almost everything just on the way to home or office. Vegetables, roadside food are most popular among them. Nobody thinks these businesses are run on the footpaths which are supposed to be used by pedestrians. This forces people to walk on the roads and further narrow downs the roads which are already narrow for road traffic.

I know roadside shops create the jobs for lots of people and their tummy is feeding on it but as responsible citizens we should think about it’s future consequences. Today one person is doing business on footpath and if we entertain it ,this number is going to multiply and in there would be hardly any road left.

Lack of patience and unruly behaviour of driver :

People are always in hurry when stuck in slightest of crowd they will try to fit their vehicles and move ahead in little space which might be available. Apart from obvious reasons like insane growth in population & equivalent vehicular traffic, main reason is we are very impatient and always in hurry, When on drivers/riders seat, we don’t give a shit to any traffic rules which creates major problem.

Road Traffic
Road Traffic on office hours

Bouncing Signals :

people follow signals only if they are able to see traffic police on the other side which results in mess. Moreover, they follow vehicles and not lights on signals, if other vehicles have stopped on the signal people will stop, if they are not obeying the signal other won’t . if by chance few try to follow the signals, other will honk him/her until he gives up or starts abusing.

Lane Discipline :

People are expert in creating extra, unwanted lanes for us while driving, just give us few inches, people will do the rest by squeezing you ruling out the breathing space from roads and thus jamming /choking the flow of traffic. People typically follow MR. Bacchan’s dialog ‘ – Hum jaha Gadi Chalaye, lane wahi se shuru(Lane starts from us).

Lack of parking space :

This is specially valid at the time when schools get over lot of parents park their vehicles at the side of road and sometimes so many vehicles get parked that at times almost half the road gets covered and people who are traveling alone even for short distances use cars instead of two wheelers.

“Rough Drivers” and damaged roads :

Quality of roads also cause of road traffic. In rainy season people even not find the roads and because of this major accident occurred which leads road traffic again. Though the government is trying to improve the infrastructure and condition of roads there is still a long way to go. Bad roads often cause people to slow down their vehicle but people from behind also have to slow down and make the place crowded. And how can I forget to mention about the people who think they are the owner of roads and do rash driving. Some people major young have to show their DAREDEVIL RIDE SHOW and risk other innocent people’s life in danger. People use mirrors only to check out their self specialty school and college students thereby resulting in an accident and a traffic.

Road Traffic

Narrow down roads by people :

Nation leader who are responsible people they love to organize rally with thousands of people. Also this respectful persons when they travel with their security they create major traffic for other people .Also during festivals time people love to on road for shopping not even thinking about their life they walked fearless. Same for marriage time. Marriage time people love dancing on road & don’t care about road traffic.

Road traffic

Well I think that traffic is a problem not only limited to India but is a global problem.

Fix or Solutions :

Inferior feeling of people to travel in public transport :

  • Educate people that using bicycle and public transport is not inferior and using cars is not superior. Industries and business have to encourage employees to carpooling and use of company bus services, which has reduced the number of private vehicles on the road. Providing incentives for carpooling and ride-sharing through subsidies and tax benefits can further encourage their adoption. Installing park-and-ride facilities near public transportation hubs can reduce traffic in inner-city areas. Developing a strong light rail network can provide efficient alternatives to road transport. Implementing a BRT system can streamline bus services, providing faster and more reliable public transportation.

“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transport. “

Control Unexpected growth rate :

Our roads are repaired only when they sink or break, whereas this work should be done regularly. However, the absence of a footpath or encroachment on it is also a big problem, due to which pedestrians are forced to walk on the roads. Road traffic affects us in many ways. Also migration people are love to travel as they do which creates unexpected growth load on cities.

Sufficient planning by local state Governments :

Illegal colonies are expanding haphazardly. Due to a lack of urban planning, small streets are formed, which affect the main roads. Pre-planned infrastructure as per growth rate needs. Future urban planning should focus on sustainable and integrated transportation solutions to ensure that cities remain liveable and environmentally friendly.

Using technology :

In this internet era government should provide real-time traffic notification indicates others to divert route which have low traffic or clear route. Using technology is the best way to fight this problem and quicker solution. Advanced route planning systems use algorithms to optimize delivery routes based on real-time traffic data to optimise traffic and control it efficiently.

As we know this is endless topic upper all discussions have their own advantage and disadvantage and should wait and watch for better solution this global problem. You should follow and respect traffic rules and obey. Be good citizen.

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